What’s new in the Sixth Edition?

We believe one important reason for our book’s popularity is that each new edition offers a fresh and timely approach to computer networking instruction. Since the Fifth Edition, released in 2009, the field of computer networking has continued to evolve, with new advances taking places in all five layers, as well in network security and in management.  Jim and I felt that a new edition was greatly in need to capture all these recent developments.

The changes and additions in the Sixth Edition are quite substantial, more so than in other recent editions of our textbook. Jim and I are really excited about these changes, and we think you will be too. Some of the more notable changes are:

  • In Chapter 1, the treatment of access networks has been modernized, and the description of the Internet ISP ecosystem has been substantially revised, accounting for the recent emergence of private content provider networks, such as Google’s. The presentation of packet switching and circuit switching has also been reorganized, providing a more topical rather than historical orientation.
  • In Chapter 2, Python has replaced Java for the presentation of socket programming. While still explicitly exposing the key ideas behind the socket API, Python code is easier to understand for the novice programmer. Moreover, unlike Java, Python provides access to raw sockets, enabling students to build a larger variety of network applications. As always, when material is retired from the book, such as Java-based socket programming material, it remains available on the book’s Companion Web site.
  • The Java-based socket programming labs have been replaced with corresponding Python labs, and a new Python-based ICMP Ping lab has been added.
  • In Chapter 3, the presentation of one of the reliable data transfer protocols has been simplified and a new sidebar on TCP splitting, commonly used to optimize the performance of cloud services, has been added.
  • In Chapter 4, the section on router architectures has been significantly updated, reflecting recent developments and practices in the field. Several new integrative sidebars involving DNS, BGP, and OSPF are included.
  • Chapter 5 has been reorganized and streamlined in a big way, accounting for the ubiquity of switched Ethernet in local area networks and the consequent increased use of Ethernet in point-to-point scenarios. Also, we have added a new section on data center networking, an important and hot topic in networking research today.
  • Chapter 6 has been updated to reflect recent advances in wireless networks, particularly cellular data networks and 4G services and architecture.
  • Chapter 7, which focuses on multimedia networking, has gone through a major revision. The chapter now includes an in-depth discussion of streaming video, including adaptive streaming, and an entirely new and modernized discussion of CDNs. A newly added section describes the Netflix, YouTube, and Kankan video streaming systems.
  • Many new homework problems have been added, and many of the existing problems have been revised.
  • The Companion Web site will be significantly expanded and enriched to include VideoNotes and interactive exercises.

Of course one other big change is the textbook cover (and corresponding logos). In each of the previous five editions, the textbook displayed a bridge on its cover. In this edition, we are instead using a cloverleaf, which should evoke routers, switches, or Internet exchange points for most of you. The cars on the cloverleaf, of course, represent packets!

In future blog postings, we will discuss many of these changes in greater detail. Feel free to comment to this or other posts – we greatly appreciate your feeback!


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20 Responses to What’s new in the Sixth Edition?

  1. Joseph R Tomsic says:

    Will the Wireshark labs be included on the companion web site, and if so will they be updated? This feature is a major selling point for your book, for my students really like the hands-on exercises.

  2. Jim Kurose says:

    Hi Joe. Glad to hear your students like the Wireshark labs (so do our students). The answer to both of your questions is “definitely yes”. The labs will continue to be on the companion web site, and we’re in the process (right now) of updating them (They were last updated in late 2009). In particular the early labs will be updated to correspond to the current Wireshark version. Also, we’ve heard that some of the questions should be worded more carefully so students are clear what they should hand in, so we’re addressing that as well. Jim.

  3. Pavan says:

    Do you use Python 3.x or Python 2.x?

  4. Egas says:

    Will there be an ebook edition?

  5. Mike says:

    I too would like to purchase a PDF version of this book so I could read it on my iPad (no EPUBs please!). When will it be available as a PDF?

  6. Sikhi says:

    Please make sure the pdf version is available for sale in India. Coursesmart version isn’t. And the hardbound is way too expensive for us retail buyers here, plus the shipping and taxes of ordering on Amazon makes it pretty much out of the question. 😦

    Another quibble I have is that while Pearson India makes available cheap paperbacks for students in India, the editions don’t keep pace with their international counterparts. For example, the currently available Indian edition of this great book is the Third Edition.

  7. Thanks for the chapter on Multimedia Networking incl. HTTP Streaming and DASH. I’m wondering whether we should use DASH as a general term for adaptive HTTP streaming as MPEG/3GPP has a standard of the same name.

    Btw. an open-source implementation for MPEG-DASH can be found at http://dash.itec.aau.at.

  8. Kurose/Ross says:

    Just to follow-up – the availability date we have for the eBooks is 6/11/2012.

  9. Jeremy says:

    Any plans for a kindle version in the US? I have the 5th edition on kindle, would like the 6th. No room for any more books and I can’t abide the idea of rental e-books.

  10. Kurose/Ross says:

    There is a version available for purchase on the Kno site. Please note that this version is only available for the iPad. https://www.kno.com/book/details/computer-networking?productId=txt9780132878867

  11. Nic says:

    Is Kno an app like coursesmart? Do you know if there are any DRM protected PDF’s available? I don’t have an iPad and yet another issue with coursesmart is the printing limitations… I have a prof. who is okay with us printing copies of the book to use during open-book assignments, but when you can only print 10 pages at a time (or whatever) and the page doesn’t even print correctly on the page, and it looks like crap b/x they use png images of the pages, it makes for a poor experience. The native pdf and epub files are far superior.

  12. Kurose/Ross says:

    Hi Everyone – Please take a look at this post detailing the eTextbook purchase/rental options:

  13. Jeremy says:

    Great to see a kindle version is now available on amazon – thank you!

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